Almondia – Bautipps Die Bauherrenberatung
  • The big building costs checklist

    An often underestimated cost factor during the construction phase are the ancillary construction costs. To help you get a better idea, we've compiled checklists for utility costs before you buy the land, on the building site, and during home construction.

  • The development of the land

    In principle, land may only be built on if it is already developed. Thus, no building permit can be obtained without a development. The development of a property includes the connection to the sewerage system, to the gas, water and electricity supply, but also to the telephone and traffic network. In this article, you can also find out why there are often unpleasant surprises with regard to development costs.

  • Ancillary construction costs checklist with prices during the construction phase

    House connections for gas, electricity, fresh water and waste water have to be factored into the ancillary costs by builders. But insurance is also absolutely necessary on the construction site in order to be prepared for unforeseeable risks. In order not to lose track, builders will find checklists here with all incidental construction costs during the construction phase.

  • Construction diary part 4

    Builders have to make many decisions throughout the construction process. Some are taken from them by specifications in the development plan, others they make themselves through the room layout recorded in the floor plan and the selection of building materials.

  • Build with an assembly

    Building with an assembly allows builders to save on costs, but they also have to accept many compromises. While in a building community each party has their own condominium after construction, the goal of a residential project is to live together after construction.

  • Solar thermal for hot water and heating

    With solar thermal energy, solar energy can be used for sustainable hot water preparation and, to a lesser extent, for heating. Find out in this article about the benefits of solar thermal energy as a sustainable element for the energy balance.

    energy efficiency
  • construction price index

    The construction price index is used to determine the price development of construction work over a certain period of time. We explain how the construction price index is calculated and what the "insurance sum 1914" indicates, which builders need if they want to take out homeowners insurance.

  • timber frame construction

    Timber frame construction is a fast and flexible construction method that allows builders to do a lot of their own work and that is mostly used for prefabricated houses. In the timber frame construction (also timber frame construction), the house is composed of a framework made of wooden beams and wall elements made of wood […]

  • KfW – Loan Agency for Reconstruction

    With the aid of the Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW), the state promotes various public concerns, including housing construction. On the one hand, builders benefit from state subsidies such as the child benefit, on the other hand they can take out loans for energy-efficient construction.

    energy efficiency
  • Shell house: how long does it take to build?

    The shell of the house is comparable to the skeleton of the human body. It gives shape and stability to your home, so its correct execution is particularly important. In this article we describe how long the shell construction time is and which structural trades are involved.

    expansion stage
  • Construction diary part 7

    Choosing the right construction company is a big step on the way to your own home. In order to keep track of the huge range of potential building partners, builders should be clear in advance about the expansion stage of their future house and whether it should be built of wood or brick.

  • wooden panels

    Wooden panels create a pleasant atmosphere and enhance the interior of the future dream house. Read here what to look out for when choosing wooden panels.

  • Division of the property

    Read this article to find out how to divide up your property sensibly. Here you will find ideas for aligning and placing your house, patio and everything else that belongs to your property.

  • Architectural style bungalow

    As a one-storey building, the bungalow is particularly suitable for people who try to avoid climbing stairs. The open room concept and the design options for the floor plan give the building openness and lightness.

    bungalowmassive houseprefab
  • Construction diary part 3

    In this part of our construction diary, we accompany the Steinert family on their search for the right property. The infrastructure of the region, the proximity to family and friends as well as the size and price of the potential property were important. In order to be able to start building the house quickly once the right plot has been found, the building application must be submitted with all the associated documents.

  • Ancillary construction costs for setting up the construction site

    In order to prepare the building plot for construction, the subsoil must be surveyed, soil reports and subsoil reports obtained if necessary and old buildings demolished. Tree felling is sometimes necessary. We have put together a table listing all the ancillary construction costs for setting up the construction site.

  • Test living in the dream house virtually

    In order to ensure that all ideas and wishes have been taken into account in the planning before construction begins, builders can use computer-based house construction configuration tools to put together their own house and view it virtually.

  • Ecological certifications and seals of approval

    Ecological building is on everyone's lips. Ecological building products promise advantages for your own health and the environment, a better indoor climate and cost savings. But which certificates and seals of approval are there? And what exactly do they stand for?

    Build sustainably
  • Insurance during construction: fire shell insurance, construction work insurance, builder’s liability insurance

    You can find out here which types of insurance are necessary for your construction project.

  • Construction diary part 11

    With the help of Almondia, even the final hurdles during the final construction phase can be easily overcome. After choosing the right exterior color and designing the kitchen, nothing stands in the way of the Steinert family moving in.

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