Building for investors
Residential buildings are of course also worthwhile investment properties. However, other construction projects such as company housing and accommodation for refugees are also of interest to investors. We present some of them here.
House building as a capital investment and retirement provision
House construction is cheaper than ever. Saving is not worth it. Home construction as an alternative strategy for retirement planning.
Company housing part III
The housing market is in crisis. The need for housing is immense, especially in large cities. In the next five years alone, around 400,000 apartments will have to be built every year to meet demand. That is why the principle of employee housing is experiencing a renaissance: in the form of employee housing. In this […]
Housing for Refugees – Part IV
Basically, it requires innovative processes to provide a large number of people with living space within a very short time. You can read about the variants here.
Company housing part II
Before you dig the first spade of earth on the way to the company apartment, it is necessary to find out enough about the different types of rental agreements, the tax pitfalls and other tips and tricks. This article gives you an initial overview of what companies need to look out for before they can […]
Housing for Refugees – Part III
Due to the sharp increase in the number of refugees, there has been much discussion in recent months about suitable forms of temporary housing . Although decentralized refugee accommodation in apartments is the best prerequisite for sustainable integration in the housing market right from the start, many communities prefer – for the sake of easier […]
Housing for Refugees – Part II
For many refugees, moving to their own apartment is the start of a self-determined and future-oriented life. As the article “How refugees (have to) live – the way from the initial reception center to their own apartment” explains, this form of accommodation, in addition to maintaining privacy and the opportunity for social participation, enables the […]
Company housing part I
The principle of company apartments can look back on a long history of success: by providing their employees with an apartment, companies make themselves attractive as an employer – including for qualified specialists. The number of workers’ apartments fell sharply after reunification. In times of an acute shortage of skilled workers and the dramatic situation […]
Housing for Refugees – Part I
In recent months, numerous images of overcrowded container villages, gymnasiums, tent cities or barracks converted to accommodate refugees have gone through the media. They make visible the discrepancy between the much-vaunted welcome culture and the strong commitment of civil society and the actual implementation of refugee policy. Not only the spatial situation, but also the […]