Author: Sarah Völkl
aerated concrete
Aerated concrete or gas concrete is a steam-hardened mineral building material that scores with good insulation and fire protection properties as well as a low weight. We explain what are the advantages and disadvantages of aerated concrete as a building material.
The construction site equipment
Construction site equipment is regulated by the Construction Site Ordinance (BaustellV). Optimal construction site equipment is important for the protection of workers, adjacent buildings and the environment, but also for the progress of the construction. The relationship between effort and cost-effectiveness must be taken into account. In principle, the client is responsible for the proper set-up of the construction site. Here you can find out what to look out for and which aspects are part of the construction site set-up.
Wood, plaster or brick – The big facade comparison
Which facade suits you best? Plaster, brick, wooden facade - we have the big comparison.
The most important pitfalls in the construction contract
With regard to the drafting of the construction contract, the construction company often has an advantage over the owner, because construction companies know all the tricks of the trade. Aspects such as fixed price, start of construction, bill of quantities, etc. are then often interpreted unilaterally to the disadvantage of the builder. Track down the pitfalls in construction contracts with us in this article!
Burglary protection
Every homeowner has a need for security. A lot is already done with a few simple rules of conduct and some mechanical devices such as window screens. Further measures such as alarm systems are then not absolutely necessary. Read more in this article.
Possible applications of tiles
Tiles come in many colors and shapes, so they can be used to create very different living atmospheres. They are beneficial not only in bathrooms and kitchens, but can be considered just as much for the living area. Learn more in this article!
Building in Brandenburg
Brandenburg regions vary in popularity among builders. In Berlin's Speckgürtel, for example, there is a lot of construction going on at the moment, and less in the Uckermark. About land prices and the advantages of country life with simultaneous proximity to the city we inform in this article.
Architectural style Classic single-family house
Simple design and low cost of construction - this promises the building style Classic single-family house. Due to the versatility in the floor plan and simple construction, it offers individual design options to all builders.
The Energy Saving Ordinance (EnEV)
The Energy Saving Ordinance - EnEV - sets binding standards with regard to energy efficiency. Here, construction methods such as insulation and building services come into play, but also the electricity mix with regard to the energy balance. In addition, building owners are required to maintain an energy certificate. Find out about the background and provisions of the EnEV 2014 in this article.
House building as a capital investment and retirement provision
House construction is cheaper than ever. Saving is not worth it. Home construction as an alternative strategy for retirement planning.
Building in Berlin
Many dream of building a house in Berlin. But is there any affordable building land left in Berlin at all? Which neighborhoods are more favorable than others? We explore these questions in this article.
Build monolithically with expanded clay
Choosing a wall system is one of the most important decisions when planning the future home. If you want to build brick on brick, i.e. monolithically, you usually use expanded clay as a building material. What makes the combination of monolithic construction and expanded clay so successful, you will learn in this article.
Build a house or buy a house? All advantages and disadvantages at a glance
There are many aspects to consider when weighing between building a home and buying a home. In this article you will find all the advantages and disadvantages of building and buying a house.
The energy certificate
Every builder is obliged to keep an energy certificate for the new house. The energy certificate must already be submitted with the building application for the building permit - after completion of the building it must be checked and, if necessary, updated. be adjusted. You will find all information about the requirement certificate, consumer certificate, who issues energy certificates, the obligations of the building owner and the costs incurred in this article.
Building with Poroton
Poroton vertically perforated bricks have now overtaken classic bricks in solid construction. Since they are said to have particularly good energy properties, Poroton bricks and brick systems are the building material of choice, especially for the construction of low-energy houses. Read what is behind the name Poroton and learn about the advantages of the vertically […]
The house building checklist
When building a house, it is important to have all aspects in mind from the very beginning. However, construction projects are highly complex. Fortunately, our home building checklist is available for an initial overview, so you can then delve into the details with confidence.
Loans for construction financing
Annuity loans, building society loans, full financing, subsidized loans, subsidies - who can keep track of them all? We explain the most important credit models for construction financing. And also, what other options are available for financing and raising capital for home construction.
Stairs in family house
There are several types of stairs. Besides the functional aspect, it is also possible to think about aesthetic aspects of stairs. Read more in this article.
The winter garden – The feel-good extra
Let the sunshine in - Who realizes a winter garden already during the building of a house, does not have to tear down walls afterwards. There are several types of conservatories, and the residential conservatory is a very special extension of living space. Although the glazing potentiates the radiant energy of the sun, heating is still required - for best usability and preservation of the building fabric. In this article, find out about all the types, methods of construction and features of a winter garden.
Modern windows: window frames, glazing, burglary protection and cost
Large, modern windows architecturally enhance any house. In addition to aesthetic aspects, windows are indispensable as an important source of light and fresh air - but they are also particularly appealing to burglars. Find out in this article about the best models and latest trends to the necessary safety precautions.