Construction Planning
Once the plot of land is finally found, the structural specifications and requirements can be evaluated. Now the construction planning becomes more concrete and technical details such as heating and roof type have to be decided. But many legal hurdles and official regulations also come up for the builder-owner in this phase.
At the latest since the energy transition, every prospective builder has probably thought about ways of thermal insulation in their own home. Even with houses that are already finished, it may be worth retrofitting again. In short: Everyone benefits from the correct handling of insulating materials. Here we tell you what you should know about […]
Cellar construction – yes or no? You should pay attention to this
A basement is practical in many ways and increases the market value of the house. But what are the costs associated with a basement and what about the construction company doing the work? All you need to know here!
granny flats
Multi-generational living or renting out a granny flat? What to look out for and all the pros and cons are in this article.
Construction planning part 1
Our fictional couple Sarah and Tom have to deal with the legal aspects of building a house. This first part deals with the building application, the preliminary building application and the right of withdrawal.
The development plan
Once the first hurdle, the search for a plot of land, has been overcome, construction begins. This follows the development plan. You can read here what the development plan means for an individual property.
Construction planning part III
Our fictional couple Sarah and Tom have to deal with the legal aspects of building a house. This third and final part deals with the addition of a garage and legal issues after the couple separated and Tom moved out.
Check heaters
Gas heating or heat pump? Solar thermal or maybe wood heating? In this article you will find out what options there are for keeping your own house warm and where the respective advantages and disadvantages of the numerous heaters lie.
Heat up sustainably with heat pumps
How does a heat pump work? How efficient is she? And how expensive is the purchase? Get the answers here.